Sunday, July 15, 2007

The RWA Saga

There has been a little bit of backpedaling since RWA announced its new guidelines regarding publisher "eligibility" (which differs from "recognition" somehow, I just don't know what that difference actually is. But, that is neither here nor there.)

As far as I know (and this is all opinion - I am waiting to hear myself on a few things), those who have already achieved PAN status will not lose their status. Yes, as far as I know, Samhain, Ellora's Cave, and Loose-Id have lost their "Publisher Recognition" (Eligibility??), but their authors (as I understand it) will not lose their standing. What this mainly means is that at future RWA conferences, RWA will not comp these publishers if they wish to have booths or displays (or whatever it is publishers set up at National. I've never been.). The publishers themselves will be welcome, but they will have to pay themselves.

Fortunately, according to my local RWA chapter, epublished authors will also not lose their PAN status. The new guidelines may cause changes in future members (possibly - there is reassurance that it isn't happening as yet), disqualifying them. But current authors are okay.

I am curious to see the finalized guidelines. I think RWA thought they would get away with something and never took into account that they would be caught. I think they were surprised by the outcry and I think they greatly underestimated the reaction. While the guidelines may not change, there is still hope that they will be reworded, so as to at least remove the stigma of "vanity publishing from e-publishing.

It's been a long week in the world of romance writers, and I don't think it's exactly over yet. I will still bring updates as I hear about them, after I've had a chance to do a little research as well. I like to believe that they truly have all of their members' best interests in mind, and aren't simply protecting the interests of some.

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