Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Organization (or Lack Thereof)

I should be working. I should be.

But I'm not.

Part of it is just needing a little bit of a rest after sending After the Storm to my editor. Part of it is just enjoying a bit of a lazy summer day.

I've begun an outline for a new story. The idea just kind of popped into my head a few hours after I sent off After the Storm. Now, I don't normally outline, but am more of a pantser. I get an idea and just write. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Which can be pretty aggravating sometimes, to tell the truth.

So, I decided to try giving outlining a shot. On one of my (many) loops, someone was touting this writer's notebook and how great it is at keeping a writer organized. I've readily admitted that organization and I are but mere acquaintances, but I keep promising myself we'll get to know each other better. With that in mind, I went to Jeannie Ruesch's website and downloaded her WIP Notebook. It's pretty handy, since it breaks the entire book down into major sections like Characters, Setting, Plot, etc.

I'm just in the early stages, but it's definitely helping me get to know my characters. So, we'll see how it works. Keep your fingers crossed. I haven't gotten to the chapter outlines yet - which will be the big test. As usual, I know the beginning (for the most part - it's always subject to change) and I know the ending. I'm just not entirely sure of how I'm getting them from Point A to Point B, and after the spectacular derailment of my most recently finished first draft, I'm a little concerned about this. It should be interesting to see what happens when I actually begin writing the first draft. I'll probably take the rest of the week and the weekend to finish the outlining and do a little preliminary research. The actual writing probably won't start until at least early next week.

I don't know if it will make writing the book any easier. I like to think so, since I'll have most of the major plot points already hammered out. But there's always the chance that the characters will decide otherwise for me. I guess all I can do it give it a shot and see what happens...


Seeley deBorn said...

I'm kind of in the same boat. I just finished my first novel and my next project is something I started years ago then put aside. It's halfway plotted and I'm going to finish the outline before I start writing this time. Mostly because I'm hoping to be able to finish this one in less than the 2 years the last one took. LOL

Love the new look!

Kim said...

I have a few half-complete projects that just ran out of steam. If this works, I'll have to try it for some of those.

Thanks - I'm like a kid with a new toy, tinkering away with it. But I'm happy now - I like it better than the old one =)

Mary B said...

Tell me if you like it. I'm a hardcore outliner myself, except every now and then I pants one just for the heck of it. I'm pantsing one right now (just outlining in headlights) and it's giving me heartburn.