Wednesday, July 30, 2008

RWA National

Ahhhh... it's that time of year again -

Romance Writers of America's National Conference.

Now, I've never been to National, but I promise myself at this time every year that someday I will get there.


Maybe the next time it comes to the East coast, because, let's face it, the conference itself is expensive, never mind air fare and hotel costs. Yikes. Much as I would love to go every year, my budget just won't let that happen.

So far, the only writers' conference I've been to is NJRW's Put Your Heart in a Book Conference. I've made it twice and it rocks. I come away from it just buzzing to sit down and write. I can only imagine how inspired I'd be after National. **insert sigh here**

Oh well, I'll have to live vicariously through those who are at National and blog about it - so far I've heard of a major hotel snafu, but that's about it. But it's just getting started, so there's still plenty of time...

I'll probably post a "real" topic later, and I'm coming up on 300 posts, so maybe I need to find something really spectacular to blog about - I don't know... It's still kind of early and I haven't had much coffee yet...

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