I haven't been around much because I am up to my eyes in a book I've been trying to get off my desk for the last two weeks. Why is it that no matter how simple something seems, it ends up taking three times as long as you originally thought it would.
That's the case here. I've been doing the last polishes of this %#^! book and it seems like it is taking me forever to finish. Part of it is translating my own handwriting (never good when you can't read your own notes, let me tell you), and then getting the changes into the computer, then printing out each chapter, then rereading it... ugh.. I thought I'd be done by Friday. Now, if I'm lucky, it'll go out early to mid-next week. Thank God this is a self-imposed deadline, or I'd really be tearing my hair out.
So, I won't be around much until this is all done and off my desk. Then I'll be back and chewing my (virtual) nails as I await my editor's response...
Oh, and in case I don't get around to blogging tomorrow - Happy Fourth of July!
I'm in the middle of a rewrite. I feel your pain. Good luck!
It's a never ending cycle. Usually I have to throw my hands up and say, "That is IT, I am NOT reading it again. It's fine the way it is!"
And then I freak as soon as I send it out...
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