Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Now Appearing at Amazon!

Woo hoo! You Belong to Me is available in paperback on Amazon!

Ahem - okay...

So, we had our housewarming party this weekend, and it was great. Aside from a few people who (for whatever reason) just didn't bother to reply to the invitation, everything went off without a hitch. The weather was beautiful, the food was good, I got to see friends I haven't seen in a while - so I really can't complain. The Boy split his bottom lip open, but learned that you really shouldn't walk in front of a swing when it's in use. He's a tough kid, my Tank, so after about five minutes, he was off and playing once more. By night time, he'd forgotten all about his busted-up lip.

Still, I'm glad it's something we won't be doing for a while - probably not until next summer. My only complaint was that, while the weather was absolutely gorgeous, it was too perfect. It wasn't hot and humid, as August days in NJ usually are. In fact, it's been very comfortable, considering it is late August. Usually, it's hot and sticky and just miserable. Not this year. So, while it was comfy for sitting outside, it hasn't been real conducive to swimming (though the kids didn't seem to mind it being a little chilly.)

And now life goes back to normal. I'm working on yet another story - just beginning the outline phase of it, so it's really just in the earliest stages. Still waiting to hear back from my editor (which is the worst part of this business - the waiting). And now, it's time to go wake the Boy from his nap...

So hopefully I'll resume regular blogging after the holiday - when school starts and I get (woo hoo!) a little more free time!

1 comment:

Caffey said...

Oh I didn't realize YOU BELONG TO ME is out in print! So thrilled for you! Another to add to the wishlist!! Then too, to get some reviews up! I so love to put one up on PROMISE ME FOREVER! I shall do that soon! I love chatting about that book!

Congrats on the move and all!