Monday, August 10, 2009

A Post About Nothing

At least, nothing about writing.

I'm thisclose to being finished with Dance With the Devil. Thisclose. Another 8k words and I can type The End and print out the last chapter, and then toss it aside for a few weeks while I dive into Tiger Eyes and Devil in Disguise. Oh, yeah, and there's the rough draft of Angel of Darkness waiting to be finished. Oy.

See why I don't want to write about writing right now? I've got writing coming out of my ears (not that I'm complaining, mind you.)

So, this is about something else.

I've fallen behind on my knitting. A couple of very close friends are expecting their first child on Monday. I'm working on a blanket for the baby. I'm not even halfway done with it. Yikes! Originally, I'd planned to give it to Liz at her baby shower.

Didn't happen.

So, I thought I'd have it done by now.

Nope. Not quite. Not really even close.

Maybe by Christmas.


I'm also working on another blanket to give as gift - I've got 2.5 of 5 panels done. I should have it finished by Christmas. I sure hope so. I've been working on it since January. It's quite involved. What the heck was I thinking???

So, between being up to my eyeballs in writing projects (not to mention the ideas I've got popping up like popcorn in my head) and being up to my eyeballs in wool - I don't want to even think about writing anything new until November. NaNoWriMo - yay!

Right now, I'm on track to have the current projects ready to go out by the end of the year. Then I figure I'll work on my NaNo book. And the other ideas rattling around my head will get their chance as well.

Whoa... this turned out to be a writing post after all. Not good.

I need a vacation. =)

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