Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happy Birthday, Little Man!

Today is the Boy's fourth birthday.


Impossible to believe my baby's four years old already. **Sniff** where does the time go? It doesn't seem possible four years have gone by so quickly. Remember when Christmas seemed to take forever to get here? Now, time just flies by.

Since he's still in love with the Pixar movie Cars, he asked for a Lightning McQueen birthday cake. And I, little Suzy Homemaker that I am, am going to attempt to make him a Lightning McQueen birthday cake. I found a step-by-step here at this wonderful blog called Kitchen Scrapbook and I'm going to give it a whirl. That's how I'm spending this morning. Making Lightning McQueen. I'll post pictures, no matter how unlike a race car it ends up looking. I'm going to remain optimistic as long as I can...

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