Thursday, March 24, 2011

Something Old, Something New...

I haven't written many new words this year. At the end of last year, after finishing edits on the last of five books, I decided to take a break from writing and concentrate on the projects I had in various stages of revision. Now that I'm subbing again, it's time to begin something new. Yay!

So, for the last week, I've been working on the next McKenzie book. It was a bit of a struggle at first, because this is James and Rebecca's story, so I had characters I already knew, but I didn't have a plot. If you've read The Pursuit or Playing with Fire (and if you haven't, why not?? Go and get them now. Go on. I'll wait. :D)


If you've read either of those books, you know who James and Rebecca are. I know them, sort of. They were minor characters in both books, but played very important roles, considering they are Garrett and Drew's parents. So, I know who they are by the time they are 30+ years into their relationship. The later years were the easy part.

The trouble was, I didn't know who they were, when they were just beginning their life together. It took a bit of brainstorming with my Aspen Mountain editor, and BAM! All of the sudden, I knew exactly how they met, and what they had to do in order to be with each other. And that's what I've been doing for the least week -- writing like a lunatic. It's been good though, I hadn't realized how much I've missed it until now.

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