Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ah.... Spring

I'm finally back to the world of the non-sick. Whew. I haven't been that sick in a long time and I'm hoping it's a long time before I'm that sick again.

But now I'm feeling better and I'm back to work. I'm in the midst of putting the finishing touches on one project and rewriting another, so that's a good thing. It might not be new material, but it's two manuscripts I should have off my desk real soon. Of course, I've said that before, but this time, I mean it. Really.

You Belong to Me is doing fairly well, but so far I'm bombing on the contests. I have the worst time coming up with any. But I've been thinking about it - and for next month, I'll have something new and (hopefully) improved. I'd love to give away some books...

And speaking of You Belong to Me - if you've read it and you liked it, please let me know. You can go to and write a review, or go to the Wild Rose Press home page and click on the Reviews tab to leave one there. One thing though, you'll have to create an account. But, that's not so bad, is it? And while you're there, browse around. You never know what you'll find that catches your eye.

Okay - that's done. Now, onto the next topic. Spring paid us a call today. It was beautiful today - sunny, mid-60s, a little breezy, but not too bad. I have great hopes that the warm weather is going to stick around eventually (I think it's supposed to be cold and rainy tomorrow, but isn't that just how it goes?). I had the Boy out for a little while, the Girl was off playing with her friends, I got a lot of work done - it was really a great day. I love days like these, and unfortunately, they are hard to come by, between work and the Boy's various therapies, and school and all that other nonsense. So when a day comes by like today, when everything just seems... perfect... I try to hold onto it for as long as I can. Who knows how long it'll be until the next perfect one?

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