Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Getting It Together

Finally, the WIP stack is coming under control. For now anyway.

I'm about thisclose to being almost finished with the revised version of After the Storm, which is a huuuuuge deal, since I've been rewriting it since mid-October. Amongst other things, that is. But it's almost done and that's a good thing. I'm sick of looking at it, to be honest.

I spent last week knitting like a fool. My nephew's due date was Valentine's Day. So I figured I'd be finished with his blanket by this past weekend. You'll notice I'm using past tense there. That is because he decided to make his entrance into the world a week early! Yay! Even though it meant I basically did nothing but knit from 8AM Friday morning until 3AM Saturday morning to finish his blanket. But I did and all was well. He's beautiful and healthy and home with Mommy and Daddy, both of whom are frazzled but good as well. So that's a happy deadline I didn't mind nearly killing myself to make.

My back is also thisclose to being back (haha) to 100%, though it is a little tired from emptying the gerbil tanks last night. Still, it isn't exactly pain, so all is right there as well.

I spent part of yesterday going through my NaNo novel. Yep - I think there's a salvageable story there and the wheels are spinning on the revisions. Yay for that.

And so it's back to work now. Gotta finish up After the Storm since my goal is to have it on my editor's cyber desk by the end of the week!

Also, don't forget to check out Editortera's Blog. The Valentine's contest is going strong and if you missed my excerpt on Friday (why? how?) there's still time to enter for the Grand Prize - which is pretty cool! Go and check it out. Now!!! =)

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