Friday, March 23, 2012

Oh, hai!

Yes, yes, I know... bad blogger is bad. Again. And I have no excuse. Well, I do, actually, as the weather in these parts has been absolutely beautiful. Eighty degrees? In March? I like.

But as a result, I'm outside more with the kidlets and at the computer less. When I finally do get to be in my office, it's about 9:30PM, I've just gotten the kidlets to bed, and now it's time for me to write. Which means something's gotta give, right? Bet you can guess what that something is...

The story, still untitled (curse you, title gods) has slowed a bit. I'm having a rough time getting Julian and Emma into bed. They need to do this in order for the story to progress, but they are being stubborn as mules about it. I don't get it. They both want to, they've got the perfect opportunity. So why aren't. They. Taking. Advantage. Of. It??? Grrr...

And that means that, where I was writing 1.5-2k words a night, my productivity is down to about 100 words a night. Not. Good.

So, to keep me from ripping my hair out, here's a Friday Funny. Enjoy!

It's NSFW, so you might want to turn the volume down.


Maria Zannini said...

Time spent outdoors is never wasted. :)

Kim said...

Especially since it's going to cool off next week. It's funny, thinking that way, when it's really only going to go back to normal temps for this time of the year. We've been getting spoiled by 75-80 degree, sunny days. :D