Saturday, March 31, 2012


So where did spring go? Two weeks ago, it was eighty degrees and bee-yoo-tee-ful. Today? It's forty-three degrees and awful. What happened to spring and who do I have to bribe to get the bee-yoo-tee-ful weather back?


Anyhoo, I'm still working on the fourth McKenzie book (still untitled, which sucks because I hate not having a title for it and I hate that I can't think of one. Grrr...), but this weekend I'm not writing anything. I'm going to read instead.

I bought The Hunger Games trilogy for my daughter. She read the first book in about a day, and just started Catching Fire. Tonight, I'll give in to the peer pressure and start it tonight. She loved The Hunger Games, so I have pretty high expectations for it as well.

Yesterday, when I went to get her the second and third books in the series, I found a copy of S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders. I loved this book when I was a teenager (my original copy of it had the cast from the movie on the cover. I wonder if I still have it somewhere...) so I bought it again. Read it in about three hours and although I still loved it, it struck me as being a little sadder than I remembered. There is so much tragedy in it that I didn't remember, and it seemed to me the book was a lot more powerful than when I was 13 or 14 and reading it for the first time. But it was still great.

Oh, I'm also reading Stacia Kane's newest, Sacrificial Magic. It's good so far, but I still have to reread some of the dialog. I don't get why some characters speak normally and others seem to have their own form of English, but it's a minor annoyance for me and doesn't really ruin the read.

So, I've got a nice quiet, word-filled weekend ahead and I'm looking forward to it.

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